Landscaping on Blackjack Mountain

If you have spent many summer days trying to get grass to grow on the rocky soil of Blackjack Mountain you are not alone.   (Blackjack Mountain is named after the blackjack oak tree which dominated the mountain. It was one of the only oak trees that could survive on the mountain.)   Today as you try to grow grass you must spend a lot of time and effort and maybe you can get something to grow, but it maybe a difficult effort particularly if you live in a rocky area.  For the least effort and the most bang for your buck, don't waste your time trying to grow grass, SOD!

Zoysia grass will do a great job, a summer grass that turns gold in winter, Zoysia needs only a few cuttings a year and will spread to fill in any disturbed areas  Like the Blackjack Oak, it seems to thrive in our soil and with moderate watering can be a solution to your grass growing problems.   You can have Zoysia installed for a reasonable price ($!,500 and up for a small to medium job) , or you can buy and install your own.  Pikes sells squares of zoysia.   After it is installed you will need very little maintenance.

Having an underground sprinkler will also help solve your grass growing problems.  An underground system installed with zoned service will run between $1,500-$3,500 depending on the extent of coverage.  

You will find most pine varieties will thrive on Blackjack Mountain.  Leyland Cyress will Grown to 30' in just a few years and is good for buffers.

For erosion control in sunny areas use Shore Juniper or Blue Rug Juniper

For erosion control in shaded areas or rocky areas,  Ivy works well (usually takes 3 years to spread)

(Send in your tips and ideas)
